Monday, January 23, 2012

Renewing vows won't seal it, doing groceries will.

I spend the last weekend with my friend and her husband of two years. She has been inviting me to spend some time with her and also to get to know her husband better. As I landed in her city, the topic of love crossed my mind more than once, We would discuss love, and I'd get tips on how giving space is a horrible thing, how love requires work, sacrifice and being scarily honest. I knew it would be the weekend of love.
The moment I stepped inside their apartment , the first thing i notice was love. It was everywhere - in the air, on the refrigerator, in the closets, in the curios, on the walls, in their hearts and right above the wash basin. Touché. They are the most loved-up couple I've ever met. No, there was no queasy PDA, everything was cute, playful, romantic and often childlike. They pray every evening. Together. They do their groceries, holding hands. He leads her from one aisle to another with his hand gently around her waist. This is love alright. He likes the horror and the super natural, she likes the soap-sob stories. He likes his steak, she loves her soy. They have found their in-betweenness, holding hands. Even in a crowd, they are together, a couple in love. Even the guy who served us coffee could tell, and not because they were gazing into each others eyes. If this isn't love, what is?
Yesterday, on my way to the airport, we were discussing their plans for their second anniversary, which is just 2 days away. I told them, their kind of love deserved something regal, something that's not everyday. Something that you and I don't do. Something like renewing vows in exotic locales like Heidi Klum and Seal do... of course I was just trying to be funny. But if there's any couple I know, who could possibly do that, it would be this one.
This morning, tells me Heidi Klum and Seal are separating, after 3 kids, 7 years and as many renewed vows later. Duh! yeah.
Dear Heidi and Seal... before you sigh those damned papers, may I urge you to go to the nearest Trader Joe's, pick some steak, tofu and strawberries, holding hands...


  1. Never thought of a better expression of love than the one you just expressed. Got me teary as usual. Explicit use of words.Sure the couple has love but it came out even more lovingly in your post.

    1. :) let's just say it was attempt at a tribute to a love i hadn't experienced earlier. touche.

  2. I truly admire the way you write! Simple, well articulated, and with so much emotion. I completely agree with the article you've written. In today's FB world, 'memories' is all about uploading pictures and letting the world know 'how much you are in love'. Would you upload a pic saying 'out shopping for veggies in the market' - Oh no! that is so boring! But yes, pictures of you in hip restaurants, or exotic locales makes the world go 'Wow! these people are in love. Look where all they have been!'

    Keep writing such articles. Would love to read more!

    1. avik, wow thanks and inspire me i say... and i shall write [did that sound overtly dramatic?]

  3. For some reason, today I came back to this post to read it once again! I don't think you will ever know the meaning of what you have written here. Every single time I read this blog, I fall in love all over again. Such is the power of words, such is the power of the writer, such is the power of you! Thank you for a wonderful, everlesting, and eternal gift of love.
