Thursday, June 9, 2011

spontaneity versus being interesting, witty and intelligent

while the later combination promises more comments and followers and readers, spontaneity brings me joy. and with it a greater urge to write. where topics are not shortlisted but randomly picked based on the emotions they elicit.
i always hoped, maybe just maybe, in the course of my blogging life, i will realise that the two have merged. that i while writing things that i like to write, without much thought or care would come up with something delightful, something totally funny and intelligent. all at once. but that was not to be. blog posts were quite like the much-thought-out headlines i write at work, that's work. but that shouldn't be the case right? this is what i do for free, all i should get from it is joy. comment generated joy or just the plain old writing joy. this i have to figure out. till then, i will write about experiences that have something to write home about. at the risk of coming across as boring, dull and silly, i will write whatever i wish to.
so on a day when i l would like to write about leonardo de caprio, that's what i will do. write about leonardo de caprio, his smile, his ex gf, his current squeeze or why he is martin scorsese's favorite boy.


  1. and is that day nearing the corner?? the day when u write about dicaprio, coz he's my fav actor?? i wish you also write about zeta jones, for totally different reasons:D:D

  2. heee heee, neo, for now i will go by my fav list... zeta jones has to wait. so does scarlett johanson or rosie huntington :)

  3. hey write more on will bring u joy while give me more reasons to smile too...happy blogging!
